Monday, 27 February 2017

Teenagers' Lifestyle


            Teenager is human growing up from their age. Teenager lifestyle very difficult, fun and interesting depend on themselves. As teenager, we must enjoy our life before getting married , having children and become old. Nowadays, most teenager prefer to watching television, shopping, eating and playing computer games. One of important thing is obsessive towards gadget such as handphone. Many brands were coming out day by day like APPLE, SAMSUNG, VIVO and OPPO. Teenager always want up to date their handphone follow by trend.
The owner each handphone knitting their profit from their customer especially teenager. They upgrade their sspecification in the phone.

           Shopping !!!! Every woman like shopping. Shopping handbag, shoes, shirt, skirt and jeans. All the thing also up to date among teenager. Woman like to buy new thing when they come to the mall. To them, all the thing so pretty and gorgeous. Woman also like to buy makeup for their beauty. What i can say, every woman can be so beautiful if they have money in their pocket. But what we should know, as woman our beauty from inside namely is our heart and our attitude. Our attitude represent our beauty. Apart from that, man nowadays want their wife has a gorgeous attitude and good manner. Woman also like to buy comestics that sold in kioks at the mall. But sometimes at newspaper and article many time we heard woman have skin problems from the comestics. Why we must harm our skin because just we want to be pretty? Think fisrt before do something. 




As you know Malaysian has a lot of foods. One of the one famous food is Nasi Lemak, Roti Canai, Satay and so on. But does they know that all of the food have oily and can cause you became a fat.
So, if you do not want to get unhealty body you should avoid from taking the oily food. If we talk about the taste of course it's finger lickin good but our healthy must be care. You can eat it but rarely and please do same exercise to make your body healthy. Of course all of you must eat vegetables and fruit. I want share simple recipe is juice of mix vegetable and fruit. Its very delicious and healthy for all people. Thank you :)

BY : siti najihah @cg.gee

My Lifestyle For Being A Human


            Hye. My name is Nurul Syahirah Binti Jamsari. My friends called me Syira, Kecik and special one is Keytot. Why that nickname Keytot very special to me? Someone give that nickname since i was 16 years old. My lifestyle? Simple, friendly and sometime kind. I was live in simple family, not rich and i have five siblings. I like to be friens to everyone. But as we know, as human we cannot run from problem, jealous, spiteful, trouble and envy about our life. To me, i don’t care what other people want to say to me as long as my patience level not over below. Hahahah funny right? But this is who i am. I always ask myself why other people being jealous or envy on me? Because i don’t have anything which interesting about my life. I am who i am. I do what i do.

           Being a good human to people surrrounding me even they always hurt me in silent action. Someone tell me that i has to be a human that being good to everyone. As human, why we must look for enemy in our life? It is useless and unworth. Enjoy your life. Always think positive and always remember with who we be friend. Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it. I keep be strong after i further study far away from my state and my family. Yes i always happy and laugh with everyone but deep inside in my heart nobody knows that. Every night i always chat with brother and tell him about my problem with my tears. I don’t want anyone knows that i sad and unhappy. Like i say i just want to be a simple person and humble. Not at all my problem i can share because not everyone can feel me. The’re not in my situation. There are so many people out there who will tell you that you can’t. But what you’ve got to do is to turn around and say “watch me”. What i always do is keeping silent is a gold manner. My mom always tell me study hard and ignore what other people say to us.

                         By ; Nurul Syahirah Binti Jamsari



Everyone has their own desires in terms of beauty, wealth, success and have it all perfectly but we should remember that perfection does not come by itself. Here I want to tell you about beauty. Everyone knows that the beauty of women can not be separated, but at least these days men are like women.

To the women out there, I want to say obesity is not a problem for us. It is our only source of nutrition. I want to tell you my first ever obesity problems in the past, I began to give up, crying alone, a sense of depression but my mother helped me to lean my back as before. My mother began to buy juice detox, herbal teas, medicines and reduce my daily diet.

In the beginning, I just take the juice detox and practice every day. Over time I think it not successful and change in myself so I no longer take the juice detox. My weight nearly 70kg with a height of 155m. you must be able to imagine how that time I was fat. After I left my secondary school, I participated in a program of PLKN for two months. My weight has dropped as much as 65kg. I feel so happy yeahh !!!!😄😄 and I did not expect my weight down as much as it can, from there my spirit back to lean back, to eat food in small quantity and practice of light exercise every day.

So you do not need to worry. Do not be like me to give up easily. Anyone who start a diet it is a good to proceed. Believe in yourself, trust yourself trust your instincts.Just ignore what other people said about us, it's all taken as words of encouragement for us not to take the words of our despair. What is important is that we know ourselves and believe in yourself. I hope I can give a bit of sharing your passion for lean.
                                                                                 CREDIT  BY : NUR AMILIA BINTI MOHD APENDI



The country lifestyle and city lifestyle have a lot of differences, such as work, the environment and the entertainment. The first difference is work. Both country and city people usually work, but they have different work methods. A farmers work outside and harvest but they do not  have to face traffic light problem. But the city people have to face traffic light problem when they went off to work. People in country don't need more money than people in the city. It is because they live and trade each other compare to city people because they need more things. Lastly, the environment. The country is quiet, but the city is noisy and city people do have many vehicles and pollution but the country has clear climate and few vehicles.

credit by : siti najihah @cg.gee

Sunday, 26 February 2017



             Everyone have their own lifestyle. They can choose their lives in terms of wealth, education, environment, culture, society and so on. Life is not difficult to choose but we are making it difficult. So, we do not need to blame anyone if our life is not as beautiful as the lives of others. This is because of ourselves that do not want to change it. Lazy is one of the reasons why we so often fail in life.
             Firstly, We get to our topic, namely lifestyle.Lifestyle ?? What is the lifestyle ?? Lifestyle is a person's behavior shown in the activities, interests or conversations related to him to reflect their social status. Of there we can see the lifestyle of one’s life. However the lifestyle of one’s life represents the personality itself. The old said “open your mind before open your mouth👅” because the tongue than the sword.
             Lifestyle showed how we were raised by our parents👪. If we lived in a modest family👪 perhaps we can receive a hard life in the future and instead.😃



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