reality, marriage is a simple thing for people nowadays. What we know, children
under fifteen married earlier than people eighteen above. Marriage among
lesbian and gay was happened nowadays among our people and foreign countries.
Tday’s oman was indenpendent and have their own carieer. This why woman late
marriage because they want to focus on their job. As we know wedding ceremony
now and then not same at all. Last ago, people marriage cooperate preparing
food, cooking together and wahing dashes together. But now, people just booking
catering and ask them the menu for the wedding. Besides that, people ago make
wedding gift by theirselves. But now, they just book at the gift shop.
Traditional wedding exactly not same with the modern wedding nowadays. Now,
everything was easier for us. But we can not forget what is cultivated by our
ancestors since generations. Because there are so unique, creative and also
satisfied with our own style.
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