Friday, 31 March 2017



          Football? Im really love football. Not the player but their skill when they play the football. The most I like is Perak football team because im from Perak. Heheheh. Im also like their jersey and if new design appear I want to buy it so much. Yeah the original jersey was very expensive but if you want something you must work for it. Right? So I am. Being a top footballer requires their mind to be on football 24 hours per day. Football is the game covered by atheletes. Football is healthy sports and popular among man and woman too. For be a good footballer, they must do enough exercise. Football also test our physical and mental. Football teach us about teamwork when playing football. For being a professional football not easy as you think. Exercises is the main weapon for be a footballer. As we know, footballer like Safiq Rahim, Safee Sali, Farizal malias and Khairul Fahmi Che Mat get high earnings from palying football.
          Like my friends, he very interest in football until he played football until he became famous footballer among his friends from primary until college, Even he ever injurt himself and I ever persuade him to stop from playing football, but he still want to play it. His leg ever broken and his leg had cemented by doctor but he still did not want to stop the football. Oneday he ever talked to me, he and football can not be separated . So from that, I know he really like football. It takes recovery time and pain and every footballer has msall or big injuries. What I have to do is just give he support when he playing football. The position his like most is goal keeper. Until his father gave present to he is a pair of football shoes. In conclusion, people always say woman just like to watch football match because the player but for me it is exactly not. I like to watch football match just want to watch their skill when playing it. That’s all. Thankyou for reading.




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