Thursday, 30 March 2017


      Nowadays, the image is often a concern for all Malaysians, regardless of where they are drawing a priority for what to do with memories picture ?? The connection is with the image we can create memories with your loved ones or memories rare to ourselves. Because of that camera now increasingly becoming a priority when we buy a smartphone. Believe it or not 99.9% of Malaysians who use a smartphone camera.
     I also like a took a selfie alone or with loved ones. If you want to count how many pictures have been taken ..emmm😏😏 I feel like she thought was depleted numbers. Hahahahahaha😂😂. All the things you want to take a picture, in every corner and in the crevices of the closet. This is all because he wanted to make a picture of it as memories in the future.
     Sometimes those memories become the most beautiful memories and there are memories become sad memories for us. Let the pictures speak for your memories. So posing as a part of our lifestyle.



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