Saturday, 1 April 2017



    We often wonder what we do with disabled people ??? Why do we have to help people with disabilities ?? Need to really ?? Why do people with disabilities have ?? Here I will explain all the problems above.
    Actually we persons with disabilities have the same. What distinguishes us is the physical and thinking. People with disabilities are part of the community. They also have equal rights and opportunities to live a life like other community members. Disabled term covering defects, limitation of activity and restriction of participation of the individual in life situations. Meanwhile, the deterioration is a problem in body function or structure and the individual circumstances create difficulties in discharging his duties or actions.
     Disabled persons actually need support from others to continue their life in terms of basic needs and safety. So we have a broad range of properties that need to assist people with disabilities. We do not need to differentiate their physical nature as God gives us the perfect nature we help each other to help others.

     We help people with disabilities so that they feel they are valued and not easily discouraged to continue living in this world. They seemed worthless in this world, but they are valuable in the hereafter. Now there are many agencies who form an association for the disabled as we know is a social welfare associations and associations of disabled members of the Malaysian Malay

                                                      BY: NUR AMILIA 👸


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