Saturday, 1 April 2017



   GOD created every slave has a different life. Some are rich, some are poor, some are simple. Sometimes we wonder why God created such that?. But sometimes we will realize that life has been well designed with we do not have to designed it.
    We want to be like everyone else, have everything they want. But it's all just a daydream. Try to be as a successful person. Just throw that feeling lazy, jealous, and proud of it. This is because it will prevent someone to successful. If we already success we do not have to be an arrogant with our successful. God gave success to someone just to see us give thanks to him or not.
    I am very grateful in my life I am surrounded by the people who is love me like my family, my friends and people I know in my entire life. Let together to live this life without complaint alleged that befell on us. Continue efforts towards success in the future. Confronted with a smile !!😁



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