Saturday, 1 April 2017



Sports are all usually forms of competitive physical activity or games which, through casual or organized participation, aim to use, maintain or improve physical ability and skills while providing enjoyment to participants and in some cases, entertainment for spectators. Usually the contest or game is between two sides, each attempting to exceed the other. In certain sports such as racing, many contestants may complete, each against each other, with one winner. Sports are usually governed by a set of rules of customs, which serve to ensure fair competition and allow consistent adjudication of the winner. Winning can be determined by physical events such as scoring goals or crossing a line first. It can also be determined by judges who are scoring elements of the sporting performance, including objective or subjective measures such as technical performance or artistic impression.

I would like to point at sports that I participate. Sports including many branch such as race, long jump, high jump and so on. The sports that I love is race 100 meter and 200 meter. If you would like to be a great runner you should have a great and strong stamina. And now I start with a new hobby. My new hobby is playing Petanque. This sports need some skill and I need to practice it always. Conclusion, even now I not an active runner but I wont forget this sports because it blended with me.

by : Siti Najihah @cg.gee

Single mother is amazing person


             Being a single parent it’s not exactly how we planned it is it? It’s lonely sometimes and always hard work. Single mother not easy as we though. They through their life without complaining even for a moment raising their children. We don’t know how their feel. They lost their depended for face life alone. They be a father and mother in one time for their children. Work for them and send their children to school. That moment when you finally break down and let tears flow. Yeahh it is difficult for them, single mother but they still have to face it all for the sake of children. When they cry alone it just seems to magnify the fact that there is no one here to help them. There is no one there to give them a hug. There isn’t a parent on the face of the planet that will go through their child’s life without ever disappointing them, but for single mother those disappointing moments can hit harder than they do for coupled parents. Many challenges they have through it. No matter how much you love them, if women knew how hard it is to be a single parent on a low income, they might think twice about having children. Being a single mother is twice the work, twice the stress and twice the tears but also twice the hugs, twice the love and twice the pride. It may not have been your goal to be a single mother, but it is your destiny to be the greatest mother that you can be. I know it’s tough at times. Some mornings you may wake up, and feel like a failure, but to your child, you have a cape on your back. They pretend that being a single mom isn’t as hard as people say. But it’s the hardest and loneliest struggle they’ve been through.




   GOD created every slave has a different life. Some are rich, some are poor, some are simple. Sometimes we wonder why God created such that?. But sometimes we will realize that life has been well designed with we do not have to designed it.
    We want to be like everyone else, have everything they want. But it's all just a daydream. Try to be as a successful person. Just throw that feeling lazy, jealous, and proud of it. This is because it will prevent someone to successful. If we already success we do not have to be an arrogant with our successful. God gave success to someone just to see us give thanks to him or not.
    I am very grateful in my life I am surrounded by the people who is love me like my family, my friends and people I know in my entire life. Let together to live this life without complaint alleged that befell on us. Continue efforts towards success in the future. Confronted with a smile !!😁




    We often wonder what we do with disabled people ??? Why do we have to help people with disabilities ?? Need to really ?? Why do people with disabilities have ?? Here I will explain all the problems above.
    Actually we persons with disabilities have the same. What distinguishes us is the physical and thinking. People with disabilities are part of the community. They also have equal rights and opportunities to live a life like other community members. Disabled term covering defects, limitation of activity and restriction of participation of the individual in life situations. Meanwhile, the deterioration is a problem in body function or structure and the individual circumstances create difficulties in discharging his duties or actions.
     Disabled persons actually need support from others to continue their life in terms of basic needs and safety. So we have a broad range of properties that need to assist people with disabilities. We do not need to differentiate their physical nature as God gives us the perfect nature we help each other to help others.

     We help people with disabilities so that they feel they are valued and not easily discouraged to continue living in this world. They seemed worthless in this world, but they are valuable in the hereafter. Now there are many agencies who form an association for the disabled as we know is a social welfare associations and associations of disabled members of the Malaysian Malay

                                                      BY: NUR AMILIA 👸



First of all, exercise is good routine to do for all people because it was for their healthy and recover from some obesity. Fitness main being able perform physical activity. Also mains having the energy strength to feel as good as possible. Getting more fit, even a little bit, can improve your health. Why exercise is good for your health? In fact, exercise is one of the most important parts of keeping your body at a healthy weight. Exercise helps people lose weight and lower the risk of some diseases. Exercising to maintain a healthy weight decreases a person’s risk of developing certain diseases, including type two diabetes and high blood pressure. In addition, for man can increased muscle helps your body burn calories more efficiently long after your workout is over. It also sends more blood to your muscles, improving circulation, cardiovascular disease.

by : siti najihah @cg.gee



    A lots of type food among healthy food and not unhealthy food. The food pyramid is designed to make healthy eating easier. Healthy eating is about getting the correct amount of nutrients, protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals you need to maintain good health.

                 Next, foods that contain the same type of nutrients are grouped together on each of  the shelves of the food pyramid. This gives you a choice of different foods from which to  choose a healthy diet. Following the food pyramid as a guide will help you get the right balance of nutritious foods within your calorie range. Studies show that we take in too many calories from foods and drinks high in fat, sugar and salt on the top shelf of the food pyramid. They provide very little of the essential vitamins and minerals your body needs. Limiting these is    essential for healthy eating. Conclusion, eat the healthy food for save your next family from get a sickness, save money and so on.

credit by: siti najihah @cg.gee


Lifestyle of Hair


Many celebrities made it the norm, making short hair the new trend and everyone was following suit, even the people who thought short hair did not look good on them. Here are many of the Hollywood’s diva that rocked short hair. For example, Rihanna, PINK. It is not a hidden secret that women in the glittery and luxurious world of Hollywood always strive to be different than the other top actress or blooming young ones. It is not about competition as much as it is about setting a different trend and being appreciated for doing something that’s out of ordinary.

credit by: siti najihah @cg.gee



The fashion and lifestyle industry faces just about every challenge. How to best optimize your distribution or improve the stickiness to your brand with successful retail promotions and customer experiences? Actually, to successfully tackle these challenges, fashion and lifestyle companies need a clear understanding of consumer attitude and behavior, as well as brand performance at every touch point.
Furthermore, whether clothing, textiles or lifestyle products such as sports goods, accessories, bags, sunglasses, tracks consumer preferences shopping behavior, purchase trigger points and brand experiences across all points of contact with your brand. Our fashion market researches analyze this data to highlight areas that will produce the greatest increase in overall customer satisfaction and loyalty. We identify clear actions to help you achieve growth within the fashion and lifestyle industry.

by : siti najihah @cg.gee

Friday, 31 March 2017



            I take Diploma in Early childhood education at Kolej Poly-tech Mara Kota Bharu because I like to be teacher and I like kids the most. But not easy to be a good teacher for the children. Many challenges we must through when we want to be a teacher. But if you keep in your mind you can do it, so you must strong what will happen when you be a teacher. Some people think just DIPLOMA AS TEAHER ONLY what you want to proud about it? People like that I want to kick off. Hahahahah. You know what, that Diploma can bring me a lot of works such as counsellor, lecturer and businesswoman kindergarten. Not only as a kindergarten teacher. Studied in early childhood education very fun and interesting. Because you will learn many thing about children from born until they enter the primary school. The main focus be a teacher is, I want to teach our child become a useful person in the future.
           As we know, parent nowadays like attacking teachers who punish their children in school. What I want to say is, try ask their children why the teacher punish their children. Teacher will not punish them because teacher like to punish everyone but their attitudes and teacher just want teach them a lesoon for being a human. Why parents unmature just because they overly indulge their children too much. To people out there who think be a teacher is a simple work, try learn about teacher and try teach children. If you can handle children without problems, I am very proud of you. Remember this thing, not all an easy job as we think. Try explore it before you easily say the DIPLOMA is the easy as you think.




          Football? Im really love football. Not the player but their skill when they play the football. The most I like is Perak football team because im from Perak. Heheheh. Im also like their jersey and if new design appear I want to buy it so much. Yeah the original jersey was very expensive but if you want something you must work for it. Right? So I am. Being a top footballer requires their mind to be on football 24 hours per day. Football is the game covered by atheletes. Football is healthy sports and popular among man and woman too. For be a good footballer, they must do enough exercise. Football also test our physical and mental. Football teach us about teamwork when playing football. For being a professional football not easy as you think. Exercises is the main weapon for be a footballer. As we know, footballer like Safiq Rahim, Safee Sali, Farizal malias and Khairul Fahmi Che Mat get high earnings from palying football.
          Like my friends, he very interest in football until he played football until he became famous footballer among his friends from primary until college, Even he ever injurt himself and I ever persuade him to stop from playing football, but he still want to play it. His leg ever broken and his leg had cemented by doctor but he still did not want to stop the football. Oneday he ever talked to me, he and football can not be separated . So from that, I know he really like football. It takes recovery time and pain and every footballer has msall or big injuries. What I have to do is just give he support when he playing football. The position his like most is goal keeper. Until his father gave present to he is a pair of football shoes. In conclusion, people always say woman just like to watch football match because the player but for me it is exactly not. I like to watch football match just want to watch their skill when playing it. That’s all. Thankyou for reading.



College lifestyle


              No matter where college or university you’re go, you still have to through challenges of life as a college student. Whether you living far away from your family, you have to face the challenge with patience. Before you enter the college, you must been curious how college is? How the schedule? What you must know is how you spend your money when you further study far away from your family. You do not be wasteful to much. Eating maggi, eating biscuits, cooking in rice cooker and just eat one time in one day is normal life for student college. At college, you will meet senior impersonator and kind-hearted. What you has to do is just think positive, keep in you mind you cam here just for study not for find an enemy. The schedule college exactly not same with than the schedule high school. Typically, there is a lot more flexibility with your college classes. Someimes you may have roomates problems because they came over various countries and you will meet many attitudes. What you have to do is just follow that and keep calm. After you inter the college what you want if get 4 flat in your examination. So, just keep in your mind you came there just for your parents and your future. Sometimes you may have money problems so you must save your money. Buy thing that you needed only.
             At college you may faced with the problems of stress beause your assignment. So, you must settle your assignment on time do not delay that. Stress will never have if you can divide your time properly. What we know is stress is a normal human reaction to life’s pressures and challenges. We spend most of our lives trying to figure out the best ways to avoid stress and keep it under control with exercise, enough rest and sleep, a balanced diet and deep breathing exercises. Conclusion, for me just always think positive what happen in your life and follow that. Because what you have to do is keep focus in you study.


Thursday, 30 March 2017


      Nowadays, the image is often a concern for all Malaysians, regardless of where they are drawing a priority for what to do with memories picture ?? The connection is with the image we can create memories with your loved ones or memories rare to ourselves. Because of that camera now increasingly becoming a priority when we buy a smartphone. Believe it or not 99.9% of Malaysians who use a smartphone camera.
     I also like a took a selfie alone or with loved ones. If you want to count how many pictures have been taken ..emmm😏😏 I feel like she thought was depleted numbers. Hahahahahaha😂😂. All the things you want to take a picture, in every corner and in the crevices of the closet. This is all because he wanted to make a picture of it as memories in the future.
     Sometimes those memories become the most beautiful memories and there are memories become sad memories for us. Let the pictures speak for your memories. So posing as a part of our lifestyle.




          Today’s reality, marriage is a simple thing for people nowadays. What we know, children under fifteen married earlier than people eighteen above. Marriage among lesbian and gay was happened nowadays among our people and foreign countries. Tday’s oman was indenpendent and have their own carieer. This why woman late marriage because they want to focus on their job. As we know wedding ceremony now and then not same at all. Last ago, people marriage cooperate preparing food, cooking together and wahing dashes together. But now, people just booking catering and ask them the menu for the wedding. Besides that, people ago make wedding gift by theirselves. But now, they just book at the gift shop. Traditional wedding exactly not same with the modern wedding nowadays. Now, everything was easier for us. But we can not forget what is cultivated by our ancestors since generations. Because there are so unique, creative and also satisfied with our own style.

By : Nurul syahirah binti jamsari

Friday, 24 March 2017



As we know our place other than the parent complained companion also was the second place we complained to our problems. Everyone has a friend. I have a proverb that a true friend will not change, even though the season is always changing. Friends like companion of our lives. Sadly though happy with where they are. Nothing wants to be expressed about the friends. Friends is everything for me. I love my friendship goal. I hope this friendship will last until the end of life. Appreciate your friends.


Wednesday, 15 March 2017


Hari Raya Celebrations
Every year, after one month of fasting Muslims celebrate Hari Raya Puasa which falls inthe month of Syawal. All Muslims celebrate the day with great joy. In the morning, theygo to the mosque to pray. Then, on returning home, they receive guests and relatives who come to pay them a call. Days before, the womenfolk make many varieties of cakes, cookies and sweetmeats. They also cook 'rendang' curries and prepare 'satay
' to go with the 'ketupat'. Homes aredecorated with many coloured lights all over the garden. Small lamps are lit and placedalong the driveway. On Hari Raya Day, many Malaysians visit their Muslim friends to share their joy. Theyreceive warm hospitality and are entertained to a feast of specially prepared food. Boysand girls wear new clothes and shoes. Girls wear jewellery and boys new 'songkoks'.The town is usually crowded with Muslims dressed gaily and going about. They visittheir friends and relatives while some go to the cinemas or to the Lake Gardens. Many,however, go back to their 'kampungs’ to celebrate the festival with their parents. It is also a time for family reunions. Everyone rejoices during this festive season.


Monday, 27 February 2017

Teenagers' Lifestyle


            Teenager is human growing up from their age. Teenager lifestyle very difficult, fun and interesting depend on themselves. As teenager, we must enjoy our life before getting married , having children and become old. Nowadays, most teenager prefer to watching television, shopping, eating and playing computer games. One of important thing is obsessive towards gadget such as handphone. Many brands were coming out day by day like APPLE, SAMSUNG, VIVO and OPPO. Teenager always want up to date their handphone follow by trend.
The owner each handphone knitting their profit from their customer especially teenager. They upgrade their sspecification in the phone.

           Shopping !!!! Every woman like shopping. Shopping handbag, shoes, shirt, skirt and jeans. All the thing also up to date among teenager. Woman like to buy new thing when they come to the mall. To them, all the thing so pretty and gorgeous. Woman also like to buy makeup for their beauty. What i can say, every woman can be so beautiful if they have money in their pocket. But what we should know, as woman our beauty from inside namely is our heart and our attitude. Our attitude represent our beauty. Apart from that, man nowadays want their wife has a gorgeous attitude and good manner. Woman also like to buy comestics that sold in kioks at the mall. But sometimes at newspaper and article many time we heard woman have skin problems from the comestics. Why we must harm our skin because just we want to be pretty? Think fisrt before do something. 




As you know Malaysian has a lot of foods. One of the one famous food is Nasi Lemak, Roti Canai, Satay and so on. But does they know that all of the food have oily and can cause you became a fat.
So, if you do not want to get unhealty body you should avoid from taking the oily food. If we talk about the taste of course it's finger lickin good but our healthy must be care. You can eat it but rarely and please do same exercise to make your body healthy. Of course all of you must eat vegetables and fruit. I want share simple recipe is juice of mix vegetable and fruit. Its very delicious and healthy for all people. Thank you :)

BY : siti najihah @cg.gee

My Lifestyle For Being A Human


            Hye. My name is Nurul Syahirah Binti Jamsari. My friends called me Syira, Kecik and special one is Keytot. Why that nickname Keytot very special to me? Someone give that nickname since i was 16 years old. My lifestyle? Simple, friendly and sometime kind. I was live in simple family, not rich and i have five siblings. I like to be friens to everyone. But as we know, as human we cannot run from problem, jealous, spiteful, trouble and envy about our life. To me, i don’t care what other people want to say to me as long as my patience level not over below. Hahahah funny right? But this is who i am. I always ask myself why other people being jealous or envy on me? Because i don’t have anything which interesting about my life. I am who i am. I do what i do.

           Being a good human to people surrrounding me even they always hurt me in silent action. Someone tell me that i has to be a human that being good to everyone. As human, why we must look for enemy in our life? It is useless and unworth. Enjoy your life. Always think positive and always remember with who we be friend. Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it. I keep be strong after i further study far away from my state and my family. Yes i always happy and laugh with everyone but deep inside in my heart nobody knows that. Every night i always chat with brother and tell him about my problem with my tears. I don’t want anyone knows that i sad and unhappy. Like i say i just want to be a simple person and humble. Not at all my problem i can share because not everyone can feel me. The’re not in my situation. There are so many people out there who will tell you that you can’t. But what you’ve got to do is to turn around and say “watch me”. What i always do is keeping silent is a gold manner. My mom always tell me study hard and ignore what other people say to us.

                         By ; Nurul Syahirah Binti Jamsari



Everyone has their own desires in terms of beauty, wealth, success and have it all perfectly but we should remember that perfection does not come by itself. Here I want to tell you about beauty. Everyone knows that the beauty of women can not be separated, but at least these days men are like women.

To the women out there, I want to say obesity is not a problem for us. It is our only source of nutrition. I want to tell you my first ever obesity problems in the past, I began to give up, crying alone, a sense of depression but my mother helped me to lean my back as before. My mother began to buy juice detox, herbal teas, medicines and reduce my daily diet.

In the beginning, I just take the juice detox and practice every day. Over time I think it not successful and change in myself so I no longer take the juice detox. My weight nearly 70kg with a height of 155m. you must be able to imagine how that time I was fat. After I left my secondary school, I participated in a program of PLKN for two months. My weight has dropped as much as 65kg. I feel so happy yeahh !!!!😄😄 and I did not expect my weight down as much as it can, from there my spirit back to lean back, to eat food in small quantity and practice of light exercise every day.

So you do not need to worry. Do not be like me to give up easily. Anyone who start a diet it is a good to proceed. Believe in yourself, trust yourself trust your instincts.Just ignore what other people said about us, it's all taken as words of encouragement for us not to take the words of our despair. What is important is that we know ourselves and believe in yourself. I hope I can give a bit of sharing your passion for lean.
                                                                                 CREDIT  BY : NUR AMILIA BINTI MOHD APENDI



The country lifestyle and city lifestyle have a lot of differences, such as work, the environment and the entertainment. The first difference is work. Both country and city people usually work, but they have different work methods. A farmers work outside and harvest but they do not  have to face traffic light problem. But the city people have to face traffic light problem when they went off to work. People in country don't need more money than people in the city. It is because they live and trade each other compare to city people because they need more things. Lastly, the environment. The country is quiet, but the city is noisy and city people do have many vehicles and pollution but the country has clear climate and few vehicles.

credit by : siti najihah @cg.gee

Sunday, 26 February 2017



             Everyone have their own lifestyle. They can choose their lives in terms of wealth, education, environment, culture, society and so on. Life is not difficult to choose but we are making it difficult. So, we do not need to blame anyone if our life is not as beautiful as the lives of others. This is because of ourselves that do not want to change it. Lazy is one of the reasons why we so often fail in life.
             Firstly, We get to our topic, namely lifestyle.Lifestyle ?? What is the lifestyle ?? Lifestyle is a person's behavior shown in the activities, interests or conversations related to him to reflect their social status. Of there we can see the lifestyle of one’s life. However the lifestyle of one’s life represents the personality itself. The old said “open your mind before open your mouth👅” because the tongue than the sword.
             Lifestyle showed how we were raised by our parents👪. If we lived in a modest family👪 perhaps we can receive a hard life in the future and instead.😃



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